Sunday, March 1, 2015

The WIC Appointment

It was that time again.

It baffles me how I can have such a love/hate relationship with a simple appointment, and yet it's true.

The morning started off as normal... pure CHAOS!!

Having three kids ages three and under = lot's of premature gray hair, I promise, you can come count them.

The appointment started at 10:15 so with the usual amount of this 

Bear and Bunkin fighting

And this...

We finally made it out to the van.

By that time I was already sweating profusely and wondering why I couldn't be more like one of "those" moms. You know, the one's who get their children out the door and buckled into their car seats with the ease of breathing?

I chugged down half of my only water bottle, and pushed away thoughts of how "those" moms would of had filtered water in their stainless steel water bottles. 

My sweet sister had agreed to help me during our appointment. As I'm sure you can tell, I'm a little crazy. You'd have to be to have so many kids in a row, but I'm not a complete lunatic. I know my limits and long appointments with all three kids is a BIG no no.

The appointment was going as I expected. Two dirty diapers, a fussy Miss Boo, multiple trips to the bathroom for Bear, and a slightly frazzled Mama.

Then the last 10 minutes hit.

The bag of goldfish I had found in the diaper bag to bribe keep my two toddlers quiet was starting to run a little on the low side. Couple that with the fact that the WIC lady was talking about my children's BMIs and diets.... well I got the hint. 

I tried to hide the bag of goldfish under my chair, but Bear was to smart for that. While I was chatting it up with the women, he army crawled under the chair and grabbed a handful. I caught him, and tried to pull him out from under the chair without it resembling any sort of abuse. Of course he released ALL of his goldfish all around the room. I let go of him and him and Bunkin feasted upon their loot.

By that point, the lady said, "You sure are busy aren't you!?"
I wanted to say, "Ya think!!", but politely, said "Yeah."

She then went on the ask me about my diet while I was bouncing the crying Miss Boo on my knee and the other two were fighting over the last goldfish. 
I wanted to say, "Lady, do you really want to know about my diet? It exists of whatever I can shove down my throat before someone needs me, and LOTS of chocolate which I eat hiding in the corner of our kitchen.

FINALLY the appointment was over!!! I was ready to get out of there. We zipped multiple zippers, secured hats, and packed up the now gone goldfish bag and empty sippies and headed to the van.

After loading all of the kids in and sweating profusely for the second time that day, I looked at my sister and said, "See you later," and got in the van.

To my surprise, she opened the passenger door and said, "Uh Lindsey, you're my ride!!" And with that I burst into hysterical laughter.

And that ladies and gentlemen is how you know that you have most assuredly lost it.

You're not just hanging on by a thread, you've done gone and flipped your rocker.

So... what can you gain from all of this?

Know how lucky you are if you are also apart of the WIC program. We are so fortunate to live in a country that provides such a service for their young families.

Also, make sure and bring carrot sticks and water to your next appointment.

I know I sure will!

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