Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Mommy Drivers


I'm sure we've all heard the saying, you need to watch out for women drivers. I had always taken GREAT offense to that statement. Why are women getting stuck a bad rep?? I know that I am personally a better driver than my husband... at least in my opinion... (wink)
So I never understood..... until I had children.

The saying should really be watch out for MOMMY drivers.

When we first brought all of our little bundles of joy home from the hospital, you would think that we were being tested to get our drivers license for the first time. We went the exact speed limit, came to a complete stop at every stop sign, and watched everything else around us with hawk eyes.

But inevitably, life happens. My once over protective driving has now become a slightly watered down version of a NASCAR driver.

It's not that I've planned it this way. I have good intentions, honestly I do. But just ask anyone who knows us very well and they will tell you that we are either RIGHT on time, or late. Every time.

Let me be straight with you. Sometimes I wonder which is easier, giving birth, or getting three kids out the door. Considering that all of my labors normally make other woman a little cranky with me because they were so easy, I'm tempted to side with it.

Morning appointments/things to do are the worst. And yet I schedule it that way every time in hopes that the COVETED nap time may possibly happen later on. I normally try to let my children sleep in as much as possible before waking them up. No one likes grumpy kids and I am definitely not the exception. To be honest, I am not a great planner. Just ask my husband. I once forgot to bring plates to Bunkin's gender reveal party, and had to call my mother-in-law to stop at Dollar General and get some on the way to the party... yeah not my best moment. I'll blame it on pregnant brain...
So since I'm terrible at planning, I almost always end up waking them up later than I should, thus adding to the craziness.

That would by my mom and sister

So there I am, trying to change three diapers, convince Bear to get himself dressed, get the other two dressed, nurse Miss Boo, get cereal and sippies, and trying to find a show that both Bear and Bunkin will agree on. It's been WWIII here lately.

Mommy confession- Oh yes, I let my children watch TV while they are eating their breakfast. Not all of the time, but especially when I am trying to get ready. Trust me, it is best for everyone.

And then comes the diaper bag. I have to pack extra outfits (because you know the one time you don't, you'll need it) diapers, wipes, pacies, bottles, formula, baby food, books, cars, a rattle (Miss Boo's favorite toy right now) and so on and so forth. I really should start packing myself an extra outfit too. It's pretty much a proven fact by this point that I will get either spit up, pee or poop on me somewhere at some point.

So everyone's dressed and the diaper bag's packed and it's time to get shoes and coats on. By this point I am looking at the time on my phone and trying to hurry things along.
I have a theory. Shoes and socks have it out for us. They play games with us to make us go crazy!!!
Do you REALLY believe that your dryer eats your socks??? How ludicrous does that sound? And yet they disappear all the same.

 And why is it that ONE toddler shoe likes to go missing periodically?? I certainly didn't move it. My toddlers promise they didn't. I think they must walk off on their own... I mean they are shoes and all.

After finding the lost shoe, I take two separate trips to get my kids to the van. I have tried doing it all in one trip, but at least one person falls down (sometimes it's even me) or the kids like to gallivant around. I buckle us all in, and that's when I remember I forgot to brush Bear and Bunkin's teeth and put deodorant on myself. Oops!!!
Side note: A VERY smart friend of mine keeps a stick of deodorant in her van for such occasions. I am soooo stealing this idea.

Then commences the driving. In all reality, I am even more talented then a professional NASCAR driver. Do they have to deal with 50 questions?
"Mommy where are we going?"
"Mommy, where is Daddy?"
"Mommy why is the sky blue?"
"Mommy where do babies come from?"
And Bunkin's favorite line "VEGGIETALES!!!" at the top of his lungs.

NO they don't!!

Do they sing Jesus Loves Me, stop fights, put a pacey in a sweet babies mouth that is crying, and pass out snacks?? Again, no. I'm sure I'm the ONLY mother who ever has to deal with these sort of crazy/sweet interruptions. So go ahead and pat yourself on your back, I know you want to.


I do my best (truth be told I grimace if I go 5 over the speed limit) to get to our destination. If I'm checking in somewhere five minutes late, I want to tell the receptionist just why I am five minutes late. Not for their benefit, but for mine.

So after writing all of this I have some goals for myself.

  1. TRY to pack the diaper bag the night before. It is something my husband and I discuss quite often. But to be honest, I am always so tired by the time we get the kids to bed that I decide to pack it in the morning.
  2. Read more about time management. It has always been something that I've liked to read about. Who doesn't want to learn more about how to schedule their time better? Time is such a precious gift.
  3. Reread this blog post on occasion. The more I remind myself what my mornings could look like, the more motivation I'll have to do something about it!!

What about you?? Can you laugh in agreement? ;)

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