Sunday, March 8, 2015

Library Story Time = DEATH!!!

Sometimes I wonder why God gave women only two arms.

Two arms?? I know we're created in his image, but sometimes I wish that I was created more in the image of the octopus.. or even a spider. (Yes I have problems ;) )
8 arms!! How amazing would that be!!

Or.. maybe you would earn your 8 arms when you become a mother.
The doctor would say, "Congratulations Lindsey. Here's your beautiful bundle of joy, and I see your 8 arms are growing in nicely. Yes, it looks ridiculous, but believe me, they'll come in "handy". (And then the doctor would laugh at his corny joke that he cracks every time while the nurses roll their eyes.)

But alas, two arms we have, and two arms we have to learn to multitask with.

My two arms were put to the test a few months ago. I decided to take Bear, Bunkin and Miss Boo to the library story time for the first time. A wonderful friend of mine that I go to church with, has four kids and she takes her youngest two to story time each week. I thought if she can do it, I can do it!
HA! Famous last thoughts!

The morning started much like my morning on, The WIC appointment, post.
I had been trying to plan out exactly how I would get all three into the library safely. I unfortunately have been a little bit of a hermit crab since Miss Boo was born. Not out of choice, but out of fear. I rarely venture out with just me and the kids unless I can shove them in a shopping cart or are going to a play date.
(Side note: Play dates should be MANDATORY for every young mom. It is like joining a free support group. Not only do you get to share how many times your baby smiled that week, how many puddles of pee you cleaned off the floor, and plotting how to get Wonder Pets off air the for good, your kids also will more than likely pass out when you get home. Wins all around!!)

Anyways... so we get there... a little late (even though we literally live a minute away) The boys had decided they needed to play in the snow and make Mommy chase them around the yard.
Since we're late, I had to park far away. I decided the safest way to get them inside was to use one arm for the carrier, hold Bunkin's hand, and have Bear and Bunkin hold hands. It worked okay until we got into the library and Bear decided to start running around.
I asked the amused looking librarian where the story time was and was directed to the back of the library.

The kids were all excited to be there until I opened the door. Then they both burst into tears.

The room was literally packed and the only place for us to sit was DIRECTLY in front of the door. So there I am, overstuffed diaper bag falling off my arm, the other one breaking under the heavy weight of Miss Boo and her carrier and trying to push my hysterical toddlers into the room.
We made quite the scene I'm sure.

After we get settled and the boys stopped crying, I look around the room. I wish I hadn't....
The majority of the mom's there were with one child, and from the looks of it, it was their only child. They were staring at me like I had grew horns. I could only imagine what they were thinking.
"Did I take my birth control last night...."

We made it through the story time, and it was time for craft. Bear and Bunkin sat at different tables. It wasn't easy trying to glue the three little pigs houses on to two different papers simultaneously, but I was somewhat managing.
Then poor Miss Boo started crying because I left her in her carrier... I decided it was time to go home.
 Bear WASN'T happy with the idea of leaving and decided to run through the library with me chasing after him with his coat. Bunkin thought that this was a great game and came squealing after us. Poor Miss Boo was left to fend for herself, still in her carrier.
After chasing them around for a few minutes, I looked over my shoulder to make sure no one was watching and spanked them both, put their coats on, and left as quickly as possible.

By this time, this way me!

I was hoping that my method of getting them into the library would work for getting back to the van. I was wrong!!
Bear let go of Bunkin's hand the minute we got out of the library and started running in the street. I panicked and put Miss Boo's carrier down, and chased Bear, dragging Bunkin behind me.
I caught up to him and drug them to the car. Once there I was so stressed/upset/scared out of my mind that I told Bear that we were NEVER going to the library again!!!!! 
He burst into tears filling me with shame and putting me up for candidate of worst mother of the year.
I took a deep breath, said a prayer and told him it would be a while before I brought him back, and it would be just him and Mommy. That perked him up a little.

 So I guess the moral of this story is, take your children to story time by all means, but either
  1. Only have 1 child
  2. Have perfect angels who do everything you say
  3. Have back up. Taking a 3 year old, 2 year old and 6 month old by yourself is just out of the question. Take a friend, or at least have the SWAT team on speed dial. 

To be continued... Bear's first library trip alone with Mama.


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