If you're lucky, probably not. Well my husband and I are not so lucky....
When Bear was little, we lived in a one bedroom apartment. We moved into a three bedroom house when he was 10 months old and I danced with glee to put him into his own little room. From that night on, he has slept every night all night (unless sick... yeah don't hate me ;) )
Bunkin was born in the three bedroom house, and he graduated to his own room at the ripe age of 3 months. I wasn't messing around this time. Privacy is a LUXURY.
Poor Miss Boo has never had her own room, and who knows when she ever will. lol She's slept in our room since day one. It hasn't been bad at all really. She sleeps deeply and has even become immune to Daddy's alarm clock every weekday morning. ( I of course am immune as well, which is amazing until I need to set an alarm for myself to wake up... Oops....)
It has been good so far, that is until recently.
For some reason even though she sleeps through the entire night, EVERY night she will wake up within an hour of falling asleep in her crib. Normally all we have to do is give her her pacifier (or pacey as it's known in this house) and she'll fall right back to sleep.
She hadn't been asleep for long last night when my husband and I went to bed. The boys had been looking out the windows in our room a few days before. Not a big deal, except that there is a VERY bright street light that will shine right in my face unless the blinds are down.
I had suffered through a few nights of the imposing light and had decided that I had had enough. I very quietly walked to the window and listened as the string made a single click to pull the shades down.
The next thing I knew, Miss Boo started screaming.
I couldn't believe that the single click woke her up. I tried giving her her pacey and soothing her, but she was having none of it. So I held her for about fifteen minutes, and when I thought she was asleep I stood up to take her to her crib.
Her eyes POPPED open the second I took a step.
Beyond tired at this point I thought forget it, and laid her in her crib. It seemed like she was going to go back to sleep, so I set on the bed. And then.... her head popped up.
Quick as a cat, I flung the top part of my body back onto the bed, and tried to "play dead". After a few moments I squinted to see what she was doing. She had a very confused look on her face.
Finally, she gave up and laid back down. I was praising the Lord by that point. Having your feet on the floor and the top half of your body laying down is anything but comfortable.
I started to SLOWLY creep my way up the bed. But Miss Boo, with her ninja like senses, could instantly tell that her Momma was on the move.
We played this game of me creeping up the bed and her little head popping up for probably a good ten minutes before my head hit my pillow.
I look over to see my husband happily snoring away. The only thing that stopped me from shoving my pillow down his throat was knowing that Miss Boo would definitely hear that.
Prayers that my beautiful little girl sleeps ALL night tonight. :)
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