Saturday, May 9, 2015

You Know You're a Mom When....

My husband and I just bought a brand new washer and dryer set!! The first new ones we've ever bought.

With three small kids, I spend a lot of my life doing laundry... don't we all?? You know you're a mom when... getting a new washer and dryer is the highlight of your year. Okay maybe not year, but it's probably close (wink)
It got me to thinking, what else makes you realize that you're a mom?? With Mother's Day being tomorrow, I've come up with a list that I think is fitting. Feel free to add your own.

You know you're a mom when.....

Hearing the word Mom out of your baby's mouth for the first time produces smiles/tears

Hearing the word Mom out of your child's mouth for the umpteenth time that day produces hair loss/insanity

Talking about bodily functions at the dinner table is the norm

You don't go to the bathroom while out unless accompanied with a child

You laugh way more than you used to

The greatest fear you will ever know is when you think you're child is in danger
Side story... When Miss Boo was born, she wasn't breathing. My labor progressed rapidly when they broke my water. I went from 7 cm to 10 cm in three contractions. I then pushed her out in half a push. (no joke just ask my doctor) Because of how fast everything went, she went into shock. I held her for a second and then they took her from me. The next thing I knew, the nurse had pushed the panic button and literally 12 nurses came rushing into our room.
Talk about fear. They wouldn't tell me what was going on, and everyone avoided eye contact with me. My husband became my rock as he told me over and over that everything was going to be okay as I tried not to hyperventilate.
In the end, everything was fine. She just needed a little help from the nurses and a little extra kangaroo time with Mommy (Oh darn... :) )

When getting out by yourself, even if you're just going to the store, feels like a mini vacation

The majority of the food you eat that is supposed to be hot, is cold

You don't care about making a fool of yourself to get your child to laugh

You know a ton of cartoon show's songs by heart

You have heard any song from the movie Frozen enough to make your ears bleed

You feel over the moon when your child accomplishes something new.. and maybe a tiny bit sad that they're growing up so fast

You realize who your true friends are
Side thought... Not to sound negative, but it's the truth. When you have a family, time is VERY precious and you have to prioritize what is most important to you. It also becomes obvious who really wants to spend time with you because they will do their best to make time for you as well.

You become a master thrift shopper

You become an enforcer of the 5 second rule

You spend a lot of weekends in, snuggling and having family time

Spending some money on yourself is a rarity

You master the "tone"/finger snap/look to get your child to behave

You become more protective and dare I say feisty towards people who oppose your children/family

You know what nights children eat free at each restaurant

You have a zoo membership or are at least considering it

You have a "stash" in your vehicle for emergencies (and if you don't you should)
Side story... Recently my husband had an appointment that we thought was going to last about 20 minutes. We we're going on a date and dropping the munchkins off at my sisters afterwards, so to save time we all went.
HA. The 20 minute appointment turned into a hour and a half due to the amount of people in front of him. My kids like TV some, but the older they get the less they like it. Which in all reality is a good thing, but not when you're stuck in the car FOREVER!! I about lost my mind. When my husband came out, he found Bear playing with his tape measurer (who would have thought something so random would entertain him), and Mommy entertaining Bunkin and Miss Boo with Mr. Pull Up (my desperate version of a puppet) I vowed to always keep a stash of books, toys, coloring books, crayons etc. in the glove department of our van from now on.

You end up with spit up/poop/food/boogers/something on your clothes every time you're out in public

Christmas morning has never been more exciting for you

You go out on a date and still end up talking about your kids

Your floors have never been dirtier, and in all reality they should be at their cleanest

You end phone conversations with "I HAVE TO GO" on numerous occasions

You forget to reply to a text message and don't realize it until days later

You have sympathy for that Mom in the grocery store/church/restaurant with the loud unhappy kid because you've been there.

People stare at you when you "are there"
Side thought... at first it used to mortify me when people would stare at me when my kids acted up in public. It still does a little, but now I have a hard time not leveling them with a look. It's not easy having three kids this close together and odds are, someone is not going to be happy. If they understood, they wouldn't be looking! I guess it's another part of my Mama Bear coming out in me ;)
(You can pray for that for me lol)

The kids get bathed more often than you do

When your child is born and you gain even more respect for your own Mom

You realize that even though this is literally the hardest job in the world, you wouldn't trade it for anything.

Happy Mother's Day!! Enjoy your day, you deserve it :)

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