Friday, April 17, 2015

Children Live Here

It's been a while. We've all had some bad colds around here so I've been busy concentrating on breathing, sleeping and surviving. Unfortunately writing has been low on the priority list.

Monday was the day before all of the colds hit full force. I felt like God showed me something that was beautiful.
I had just finished rocking Miss Boo to sleep and laying her in her crib, when I noticed the boys' room on the way out of my room. No other way to put it, it was a mess. We/they had spent a lot of the morning playing in their room and I hadn't enforced the clean up rule when they were done.

The clean up rule is something that I always strive to do, but to be honest, life happens. Someone starts crying, someone needs changed, the phone rings, I realize it's 12:30 and we haven't eaten lunch yet... something along those lines. Sound familiar at all??
I can't neglect the needs of my small children to clean up a room first, and I don't think I should lol.

Anyways, it was a mess. I sighed. I always try to get Bear and Bunkin down for quiet time right after Miss Boo falls asleep, and a room full of toys everywhere is not the best way to get them to stay in their beds. :)

And that's when I heard a whisper. It was one word.


God caught me right in the middle of my complaining spirit and gave me a reality check.
What I saw was yet another mess to clean up.
What he saw was a beautiful reminder of three little children that he loves even more than I can understand. For a moment I felt his love for them, and for me, and it was indescribable.

It was like he was saying, "Quit freaking out over the constant messes. They're kids!! I created them that way!! Enjoy them!! Your kids and their messes will soon be gone and I just want you to embrace it!"

So I took them upstairs to their room and let them play for a few minutes before we cleaned up a little. I wanted to capture the moment. And looking at it, it is quiet beautiful.

After that, I decided to look around my home to see other indications that children live here. I wanted to test myself with what my normal response might be, and what I felt God's response would be. Here are the pictures I took.

                                            Finger prints all over the front door

What I saw: Awe man!! I hate cleaning windows. I think it is literally impossible to keep windows clean while having little kids. Why should I even clean them? They'll be dirty by the end of the day anyways (wink)

What God saw: The reminder that two little boys were standing on a stool waiting for their Daddy to come home. :)

Crayola Crayon on the back door
What I saw: Another window to clean!!! Ahhhh!!! Why did I buy them these for Easter???
What God saw: Two little boys who had a blast (their Mommy had fun too)

The shelf by the front door
What I saw: The self is over taken by my kids. An overflowing crate of children's library books and an overstuffed diaper bag.

What God saw: The shelf is over taken by her kids!! (wink) Keep on reading to them, it is SOO important.
Miss Boo asleep in my room
What I saw: No privacy!!! 9 months of stubbing toes, whispering prayers goodnight, and having to be quiet in general ;)
What God saw: Look at that precious baby sleeping. I created her in your womb, and I know every hair (or lack their of) on her head. 


What I found in my bed
What I saw: Ok, I honestly laughed at this one. You never know what you'll find.
What God saw: Hey, she's laughing. I got her on one!!!
What I found on my bathroom counter
What I saw: This stuff is amazing!! It actually works and helps me to relax .
What God saw: She deserves this. Being a Mommy is one of the toughest jobs I created.
What evidence of children do you see when you look around your home?? What does God see??

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