Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Why I Want To Homeschool

The very word is wired with controversy.
EVERYONE has an opinion about it. From your husband all the way to the nosey lady in the check out line.
It wouldn't be so bad if all they had were opinions, but it seems that everyone thinks their opinion is the ONLY right one.

I'm here to tell you that is NOT the case.

I first got interested in the "idea" of homeschooling by watching the big family we all know and love, the Duggars. I was completely fascinated with the fact that one women could homeschool that many kids, and not only did the seem to learn something, but they were really smart and well behaved.

I started digging into my Bible to see what the big man himself had to say about teaching your children. That's when I stumbled across this...

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
Deuteronomy 6:4-7 NIV

Wow!! When I found this scripture I was pregnant with my second child, but I already knew what God was calling me to do. If you've ever felt "called" to do something by God, you know EXACTLY what I mean. You get this deep overwhelming sense of purpose, plus excitement and chills. At least that's how God operates with this Momma.
It was as if I could hear him saying, "Lindsey!! I want YOU to teach them about me. I want them to learn about life and all of the skills they need, but I want your main focus to be teaching them about me."

I had to then question myself. How could I do that if I sent them to a public school everyday? I knew the answer. With how strong of a calling that God has placed on my heart, I knew I couldn't.
That's when the fear came.


Me?? I'm certainly NOT qualified to teach my children. This is their education we're talking about. I'm sure I'm going to mess it up somehow.

And that's when God started steering me towards different homeschooling books and blogs. The fear started to melt away and I started to get, dare I say, excited!!! The thought of getting to teach my children in a relaxed manner where WE were in control of their days and curriculum started to sound amazing.
Call me a geek if you want, but I even started to get excited about learning WITH them. Pregnant/Mommy brain is a REAL thing, and the thought of getting my noggin filled back up with knowledge and not just how many teaspoons Bear/Bunkin/Miss Boo get of medicine, all the members of the Paw Patrol (including Chickaletta), and trying to recall where that last sippy could be hiding, sounded awesome.


This brings me back to my original point...
Homeschooling is not for everyone.

I truly believe that it has to be a calling. The personal sacrifices that the homeschooling parent has to make are not small. Could you imagine if every single mom/dad that you know had to homeschool their children? I think it's safe to say that the world would probably change, and not for the better.

I'm just starting to do preschool with Bear. So far it's been great :)

Am I still scared? Absolutely
Am I nervous? Very
Am I looking forward to this adventure?

I have God on my side, and as long as I continue to listen to his direction for my family, we'll not only be alright, we'll thrive!!

What direction is God leading for your family? I'd love to hear all about it :)

1 comment:

  1. Keep listening to His voice...He won't steer you wrong!
