Saturday, November 7, 2015

On Purpose

Yesterday I went to a young man's funeral. He was only 22 when he passed away in a car accident. I have known and loved him and his family for a long time, and I was heartbroken for them.

The funeral home ended up being standing room only. It was such a testament to this young man and how much he was loved.

It really impacted me. Everyone talked about how much joy that he had and how he really truly loved people.

One thought has stayed in my mind. We should all live life like that.
Even if you live 100 years, life is still so short. We are reminded constantly how short life is, and yet we still don't always treat it as the beautiful gift from God that it is.

We squander our time. Life should be lived on purpose every single day.

I believe that this is one of the biggest lies that satan (his name DOESN'T deserve capitalization) feeds us. WE HAVE ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD.

We can reprioritize later.
Forget the hours that we spend on meaningless pursuits, we're busy and deserve them right?
Forget the hours we slave away at jobs just to get a little farther ahead then Joe down the street.
Forget the broken relationships that are screaming for reconciliation. That person doesn't really deserve it.
Forget getting your life right with God. He'll always be there later.

It's all a bunch of lies.

satan wants us to feel comfortable with the time that we have, so that we don't live on purpose every single day, when really that should be our biggest priority.

So the next time you go to get on Facebook, think about it.
The next time you feel pressured to keep up with the Jones', think about it.
The next time a person that you need to forgive crosses your mind, think about it.
The next time you're reminded of God, REALLY think about it.

If we really all lived on purpose, the world would be a different place.

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