Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Easy Home Learning

Bear's preschool homeschooling curriculum came last week!! We are doing Before 5 in a Row.

So far it has been awesome!! We started with "Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear"

I can't tell you how many times he has asked me to read it to him. We have read it WAY more than the suggested five times. It's no wonder. The books that come with the curriculum are simply beautiful. The story lines are great and the pictures captivating.

Some of the books you receive with the curriculum 

Here is one of the activities we did with Jesse Bear. It was a big hit!

Dressing Jesse Bear
(if you are interested in this activity, here is the link http://preschool2prek.blogspot.com/2011/08/before-five-in-row-jesse-bear-and.html)

One of the things that the Five In a Row mind set has taught me is just how simple learning at home can really be. Before, I was pretty overwhelmed with what to use, how to do it, and just the hugeness of the undertaking. But now, it has made me realize that learning at home can happen all of the time in a gentle, fun manner.

Our main reason for choosing to homeschool is that we want our children to learn to love learning. We want them to cultivate a learning spirit that they will always have with them, far after they graduate.
In order to do that, I need to make learning normal and done as often as breathing (okay not that often, but you get the idea!)

Here are some of the things that we've been doing lately.


Cheerios and Daniel Tiger 

 Making Veggie Tales out of potatoes and talking about potatoes

Reading the Bible out loud to them while they're playing
I've only just scratched the surface with homeschooling, but I can already tell that it is making me a better mother. It has changed my whole out look on what my days should look like with my children. It has changed what I consciously think about talking with them.
On car trips, I used to just turn on the radio. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE music. There is absolutely nothing wrong with good wholesome music, but I don't turn it on as much. Instead I ask them about what they are seeing around them. If they seem interested, I may take the time to talk to them about how God made everything, or answer any questions they have.... which at 4 and 2, they have A LOT!!
I wake up more excited to spend the day with them and to gently learn things with them. You may be thinking, "well isn't she miss perfect!!!", and NO I am the furthest thing from it. I was literally counting down the hours till bedtime tonight. It was one of those days.

I am telling you this because even if you don't choose to homeschool, I do believe that learning always begins in the home, and I want you to realize what a joy it can be. It can be done in a relaxed manner that you can incorporate in your everyday life. 
So that's my two cents for now. I think I hear my bed calling my name. :)

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