Monday, January 23, 2017

I think It's Working!!!

I had to share this, for my memories. Also, if any of you are even considering the possibility of homeschooling, I want to share with you what I've seen.

Homeschooling Bear for kindergarten so far has been amazing and challenging!! I've been teaching him to read and write, and gently introducing him to math, science and history. (Five in a Row)
But to be completely honest, I've been more focused on his character and heart. I want to raise kids who love God, and have the fruits of the spirit. Let's be honest, which is more important? Your child growing up to be the smartest person in the world, or to love God with all of their hearts and live their lives for him?

Charlotte Mason said, "Education is an education,  a discipline, a life." I couldn't agree more.

I think the most important part of all of my children's education right now is our morning time.

                      Our Morning Basket 

At breakfast, I will read to them the Bible, a story out of a picture Bible, one of these (art book, poetry, nature book, Shakespeare) nursery rhymes, and we sing some hymns to end it.
It is astounding how many questions they have about God during this time. One thing I wanted to make sure I do is talk to my children about God, and show them the ways he's evident in our lives so often, that it becomes as normal as breathing.
This is helping me do that, and soooooo important to our "school" day.

Lunch time is memorizing/reciting time. So far this year they have memorized all of the books of the Old Testament in order, 8 Bible verses, and 3 poems. We are working on the New Testament books in order and new verses and poems. This has been vital as well. (More on that later.)

                     Our chalkboard with a
                   current poem we're memorizing 

For more Character/Habit training, I got "Laying Down the Rails"  and "Laying Down the Rails for Children" for Christmas.
Right now we are doing the habit "obedience". It's awesome. It gives you small little lessons and tips on how to teach your children this habit. I can't tell you how many times Bear had snapped his fingers and said, "Obedient,  meaning right away."

I'm also using this, from raising arrows blog. Anytime a child gets in trouble, I take them to the fridge where this is hanging and share the verse and deal out the consequence.

Enough about what I've been doing with them, and onto what I've seen.


Bear had gotten into the habit of lieing when he thought he was going to be in trouble. It had gotten to the point where he would lie close to 10 times a day.  I was so worried about this trait in him. I know he's young, but I wanted to help him break this habit as soon as possible.

We memorized "The Lord detests lieing lips,  but he delights in people who are trustworthy." Proverbs 12:22
We also read "A Pair of Red Clogs" in Five in a Row, which deals with lieing and deciet. Coupled that with our If Then consequence chart, and Bear hasn't had to go to bed 5 minutes early for bedtime once!!! His lieing habit has disappeared for more than 2 weeks now! Thank you Jesus!!


 I can't tell you how many times bear has told me that he will do anything I ask of him, that he just wants to help me. I used to have to twist his arm to get him to help with anything. Over the last few months he has become so sweet with wanting to help me.


Earlier this year we memorized, "Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid, do not be discouraged. For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 by a song I made up.

The other day I started a new quiet tune routine. I want them to disperse throughout the house and play by themselves. It's come to my attention that with having 3 siblings, my children hardly ever have the chance to play by themselves.
I told Bear that he and Bunk would take turns playing in our basement (where the majority of their toys are) He told me he didn't want to because he was going to be too scared to be down there by himself. I told him to sing to himself and to remember God is always with him and to not be afraid.
I heard him singing the Joshua 1:9 memory verse the whole time. :)


The other morning during morning time, Bunk said he couldn't wait to see Goliath in heaven.
Beat very sweetly said, "Bunk, I'm going to teach you something. Goliath won't be in heaven because he's a bad guy, he'll be in hell." (I told them that people aren't labeled "bad"  or "good" but people who don't have Jesus as their savior will go to hell, but only God knows people's hearts)
In times past, he would have burst out, careless about how or what he said to Bunk.

Our relationship is becoming so sweet as well. I feel like we are really getting to know each other. Because he's the oldest, I rely on him more than the others, and we are both gaining a deep respect for one another.
Bear told my husband the other day that Mommy works harder than him because she takes care of 4, sometimes 5 kids every day, and that it's a really hard job ;) (don't worry, I talked with him about it lol)

Over all, I really can see him blossoming into a wonderful little boy. Is some of that because of him maturing? Yes, I'm sure. But I believe that part of it is God using what I'm pouring into him.

My last thought on homeschooling.

Pictures of some of our homeschooling year thus far. :)

                      Holding a book he loved 
                           from Five in a Row 

                        Drawing a tank from a
                             picture in a book 

             Timed races in front of our house  

With his reading lesson book

With the boat we bought them
 to race at a local pond 

Pattern blocks are his favorite 

Finding a flower in the middle of winter 

Of course puddle jumping ;) 
(Should of put on boots that day lol)