Tuesday, December 13, 2016


My husband and I have been watching the series Elementary. It's a modern take on Sherlock Holmes. It does a great job of combinding humor and crime, and we've been really enjoying it. 

In the show, Sherlock is a recovering drug addict. He has already been through rehab, and now has a sponsor and goes to meetings. 

Watching the show this evening, I was struck by something. Sherlock sends a text message to his sponsor. It simply says, "I'm struggling, meet me here." It shows his sponsor reading it, and immediately leaving to meet him. 

Wow! What if we treated Christianity this way?? 

What if we each had a mentor, and if applicable, were a mentor ourselves, and we had relationships with them like this. 
How do you think this would affect our walks with God, our relationships, our world? 
I think the results would be tremendous. 

I've read so many articles bashing the church. Some people will find fault in anything, but in some cases, the church (Christians) need to do a better job. 
I recently joined a new church, and the pastor there likes to talk about "living life together."

That's what people need. To live life together. They need 

And by recovery, I mean the human nature of sin. We all sin. We all struggle daily. Will it be so dramatic that we will need to text someone to come meet with us right away all the time? No. But we need to know that we have each other's backs. In essence we need "a person" 

(I see this all the time. Grey's Anatomy?) 

And maybe it's more than just one person. But I hope you get the idea. Life is too short to not make time for what's most important. 
As Christians, our walk with God should be our number one priority. 
Can we not then make time to REALLY live life with our fellow believers. 

Do you have what it takes to get in the trenches with someone, and pray over them, dig into scripture with them, and fight the good fight with them?? 

Do you need someone to get in the trenches with you and pray over you, dig into scripture with you, and fight the good fight with you?? 

Let's open our homes, our lives and our hearts. The next time someone tells you of a problem they are having, don't just tell them you'll pray for them, do it then and there with them! 

For some reason, I've been thinking a lot about the early churches. Can you imagine what life was like for them? I think they clung to each other as they began living their new faith. 
They had worship in people's homes, they ate together, they REALLY did life together. Look at Paul's letters. He knew these people. 

What if that's what God is calling us to do? I'd ask you to pray about this with me. 
If there are no mentor/discipleship relationships in your church, talk to your pastor about it. 
What about a small group? Think outside the box on what God may be wanting you to do. I know I will be. 

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Pee and Poop

Here's some things for you to ponder this Christmas season.

What would you say keeps you the most busy. Want to know mine??

Pee and Poop 

Why do you buy scentsy/candles/air fresheners?? Do you have a pathological fear that your house smells like something you've gone nose blind to a LONG time ago?? Mine?

Pee and Poop

What are you covered in the majority of the time?? Is it flower scented perfume? Mine? You've guessed it...


Bear is potty trained.... Thank the good Lord! Bunkin..... He's getting there. I started to potty train him last year.... When I was GINORMOUS with Ren (yeah it was Roo before but since Bunkin started calling her Rentar, like Reptar off Rugrats, that nickname has unfortunately for her stuck lol).

There I was, dilated, swollen everywhere, and wondering when I'd ever see my feet again, but goneflabit, I WASN'T going to have 3 in disposable things. Yeah....  Who was I kidding. Fast forward a year, and we are finally making great progress with Bunkin.

Then there's Boo.  Oh Boo. I've jumped on the train wagon of trying to get her potty trained earlier than the boys, because according to....  Idk people.... girls are easier to potty train than boys.

Some days are good. Some days are bad horrendous. Like the time I was getting her dressed and she decided to run into our dining room and stand on my padded dining chair and pee.
Or when I'm walking around thinking pleasant thoughts and I step in a pee puddle and drench my socks and the bottoms of my pants.
Or the numerous times I hear "Mom, Boo peed on the floor!"

Then of course there's sweet baby Ren. I wouldn't mind changing her diapers at all if I wasn't already so sick of poo. I'll admit the thought has crossed my mind of holding her over a toilet too.

You'll miss this time, they say. It goes by so fast they say. Well THEY have never had Bear on the potty doing number 2, while you're showering off Boo in the tub because she had an accident, and Bunkin couldn't wait for Bear to get done on the only potty in the house so he pees on the floor, and all the while Ren is crying in the background.

Yeah, you can't make this stuff up people.

My husband recently started a new job. Right now is their crazy busy season, so he's gone from home for 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. By the time he gets home at 7:15 p.m I look like this.

And that's on a good day ;)

(Disclaimer: I love my children dearly. Just keeping it real and hoping to give you a smile :) )