If we are friends in Facebook, you'll already know that I was involved in a car accident 3 weeks ago.
A driver pulled out in front of me and I hit them going 55 mph. I have a possible fractured foot (there's been differing opinions), ligament damage in my foot, deep knee bruising, a mild concussion, whip lash, and my hips are out of alignment.
Our van was totaled and dealing with the insurance company has been a nightmare. You would think that when an accident wasn't your fault that they wouldn't jip you out of money, but I've found that's not the case.
I've dealt with depression for years, and I normally keep it in check by remaining active and exercising. You can't do that when your foot is non weight bearing.
I took up writing more of my sequel to my first book, "Beneath the African Sky", and reading lots. Then my chiropractor told me that watching TV and those things are the worst things to do with a concussion, so I sat twiddling my thumbs day after day.
3 weeks in I was feeling really badly. I asked for prayer, because I knew I really needed it.
You know what?? It worked!
The evening after I asked for prayer, I felt like God took a veil off my eyes. I was feeding Roo upstairs and the rest of my little family were in the basement playing.
All of a sudden I felt beauty all around me. Roo was laying softly at my chest, birds were singing outside, a squirrel was eating corn in our tree, two little boys were riding their bikes down the side walk out our window, and pails of laughter were coming up from the basement.
It's hard to explain, but I felt as though I were seeing things the way God sees them. I welled up in tears as I realized the wonderful things that God has given me, and that every moment with my family is laced with beauty. I just have to look and see it.
God has always taken care of me, and he will continue to do so. I knew such peace as his presence settled over me. He knows the accident wasn't my fault, he knows my heart, and he'll sustain me.
My family came bounding up the stairs dressed in silly hats and scarves, with a drum and guitar in hand, and they put on a veggie tales "rock show" for me. They just wanted to make Mommy laugh.
And I did.
I pray that you too will see beauty in your life. Instead of being excited for the next big event in your life, wake up excited to see your children's smiles. Appreciate the amazing smell of a flower. Dwell on a sunset. Enjoy the warmth of embrace from your spouse.
This is the way we were meant to be living.